Iran nuclear plan

Iran Nuclear Plan

The Joint Comprehensive Plan  of Action (JCPOA) which is also called the Iran Nuclear Deal or the Iran Deal. It is originally an agreement with Iran about his nuclear program which held in Vienna on 14 July 2015. The contract   is between the most antique civilization keeping country Iran and the P5+1. P5+1 are including the most powerful and developed countries in the world which are the member of the United Nation Security Council the five countries that are the members are given below

·         China

·         France

·         Russia

·         United Kingdom

·         United States of America

Join Comprehensive Plan of Action


14 July 2015


N/A ratification not required

Date of implementation

16 January 2016


Vienna, Austria







United States

United Kingdom


Nuclear non-proliferation


Background Information

         According to the advise given by the JCPOA the Iran decided not to used the medium which is full with Uranium, According to the terms of the plan Iran announced to cut off from its low enriched medium of Uranium to 98% and to reduces the amount by 2/3 times of its gas for the next 13 years. For the next 15 years, according to the terms of the plan Iran has given the advantage to use the Uranium up to 3.67%, in the agreement Iran also committed that the Iran is not allowed to develop  any new factory of Heavy Water for the next 15 years of time period. The Iran is only allowed to use the Uranium in the one facility which will use the first- generation methods to utilize the Uranium. Other facilities are not able to use the Uranium to protect the world from the radioactive threats. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is also allowed by the Iran and according to the conditions of the plan to watch over the Iran in the regard of the agreement. The plan stated that if Iran is following the principle of plan the Iran will be given relief fund from the European Union and the United Nations Security Council.

In 12 October 2017 the President of United States Donald Trump says that  the United States is not demanding the certificate for further  Domestic law but should stop for finishing the deal. In 2018 the International Atomic Energy Agency collectively spend 3000 days in Iran to obtain data from different resources, for installing tamper proof seals, and documents for the further clarification. The executive manager of the IAEA announced that the Iran is still keeping the plan and its terms.

Summary of the Plan

·         Under the given conditions and terms of the plan which held between the Iran and many developed countries of the world which including the United States, the terms of the Iran Nuclear Plan has placed the Iran in many limitations on the Iran nuclear progress but the Iran will be given a relief fund from the United States and United Kingdom.

·         The Prime minister of United States of America Donald Trump says that seems like Iran want to terminate the plan in 2018 according to the documents supplied by the IAEA which state that the Iran is now starting its own nuclear program and regional affect. IAEA also stated that the Iran is now ignoring the terms and conditions of the plan.

·         Washington and Tehran both the countries decided that they wanted Iran to follow original plan but they do not wanted to take any action to get there.

History of Nuclear weapon

                   Robert Oppenheimer is the one who created the nuclear weapon and called as the “Father of the Nuclear bomb”. In a nuclear weapon radioactive material is used to starts a nuclear chain reaction. The generally used radioactive element which are discovered by scientist on earth is Uranium 235 and Plutonium239. The quantity of the Uranium235 and Plutonium239 which will used in the formation of the nuclear weapon based on design or structure, in a normal structure of nuclear bomb the quantity of Uranium235 which is needed about 15kg and the quantity of plutonium239 is 6kg. But in the small size bomb for the small explosion the quantity of Uranium is reduced to about 9kg and 2kg of plutonium. The plutonium which is discovered by scientist in nature is almost zero and the uranium is present in the form of Uranium 238 which is extracted from the underground is about 99% and the remaining 7% is found in the form of Uranium 235.If we want to produce the nuclear weapon in great number either we have to developed or the Uranium must be discovered. Uranium extraction is very important step for the making of the nuclear weapon. To solve this problem the Uranium production must be of the high technology, a technology that is in the benefit the normal public and for the safety purpose as well. On 16 July 1945 the first nuclear bomb was tested in the desert of Alamogordo, the testing of the  first nuclear bomb was called Trinity, this test is consider to push the world into the Atomic age.


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