Inflation causing the death of Economy

 Inflation causing the death of Economy

Inflation is one of the worldwide recognized issue every country tried their best to overcome this issue. Most of the country overcome their inflation issue by giving the relief package to their respective nations.

Inflation is create lot of difficulties in governing as well as in the life of people of developing counties. Especially in Pakistan the rise of inflation throughout the country create some complication between government and the people of Pakistan. Inflation is the issue that faced by Pakistan since 1947. Every government since 1947 take inflation as their first agenda of campaign. Government of Pakistan tries their best effort to control the issue of inflation by giving some relief package to the nation.  Some of the policies giving positive feedback but due to wide population of Pakistan it is not easy for any government to control that issue. Inflation take place to headlines in recent times in Pakistan due to increasing the interest rate on dollar as well as rising prices of petrol throughout the world. Inflation in not only increase in Pakistan but rise at all over the world. Pakistan is developing country few percent of increasing prices of petrol causing huge loss for economy of Pakistan. The main reason behind the increasing the prices of all over the world is viral decease COV-19. In this viral decease the business and employment faced pressure, due to this the demand of each and everything will catch more headlines rest of the other things. Due to these issue government of Pakistan faced lot of pressure from the people. Government introduce new policies to reduce the inflation but some unwanted organization not take this as a good sign for their own interest that kind of people is totally traitor which not show their sympathy to the nation Pakistan they just focus their own interest rest of the country interest. GOP actively tried their best to catch that kind of organization which not show interest for Pakistan. Inflation is a serious case for Pakistan in now a days according to the report of economist Pakistan world rank 4th for inflation. GOP can’t control the crises of inflation due to some illegal smuggling of preservative foods and other crops. GOP purchase the crops in high prices and invest millions of dollar to enhance the growth of agriculture field and give some relief to former by KASAAN CARD and other facilities like electricity. This is due to if the growth of internal things will enhance the economy of Pakistan automatically will be enhanced. If the export of Pakistan will increase to the world then automatically the growth of economy of Pakistan enhanced. In the recent days the petrol prices make a huge difference and play an important role in increasing the inflation throughout the country. According to international media & news agencies the prices of petrol increase internationally due to viral decease COV-19. According to the several experts from all over the world said that the prices of petrol must be increase in coming days and a “tsunami of inflation” will come for developing countries. Country like Pakistan need some financial aid from some powerful to organization to overcome the inflation issue. Mainly Pakistan is developing country could be stand on their own foots but in these time Pakistan some aid from international organization. Inflation create long term effect on human life if human belong to a pure countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan. At the end GOP introduce new relief packages for their nation to overcome the issue of inflation. GOP reduce the prices of petrol and other daily routine things up to 100 rupees. GOP decided to give relief to lower class families who’s can’t afford their daily routine things. GOP also introduce a program named by: EHSAAS PROGRAM”. This program cover almost 20 million poor families who faced troubled in their life by some ways like inflation, unemployment or other major things that effect his lives. GOP this steps provide a small aid to poor people of Pakistan to overcome the issue of inflation. In short inflation is uncontrolled decease but GOP tired their best to increase the income of people of Pakistan by providing the free interest loan as well as provide some financial assistance in this way he controlled the inflation issue it is right it is difficult and time consuming process but it is in favor of nation of Pakistan. Hopefully Pakistan will rise again and again.

Good Luck              

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